A Prayer for Myanmar

Our Diocese has been asked by the Anglican Board of Mission to support, and to pray for, the people of Myanmar.  Civil war now appears inevitable and a new wave of COVID cases has overwhelmed the health system.  The ABM appeal for Myanmar can be found at www.abmission.org/myanmar.

We crave your mercy, Lord, on all who are sick or hungry in Myanmar,

remembering especially our sisters and brothers on the staff of the Church of the Province of Myanmar,

some of whom who have contracted Covid-19, and others who do not have enough to eat.

Your Son came to bring fullness of life to all, so we pray for lungs filled with oxygen,

and bellies filled with food, so that the people's suffering may be relieved.

This we ask in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns for ever and ever.