Anglican Parish of Goonaneman

Biggenden | Brooweena | Childers | Gin Gin | Woodgate

The Parish of Goonaneman takes its name from Mount Goonaneman in the Woowoonga Range, lying between the communities which make up the parish – Childers and Gin Gin on the Bruce Highway, Biggenden on the Isis Highway, Brooweena to the west of Maryborough, and Woodgate at the northern end of Hervey Bay.  It is part of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland, and was formed by the amalgamation of the former parishes of Biggenden, Childers and Gin Gin.

The communities in the parish are located among sugar cane plantations, cattle, fruit and vegetable growing, avocado and macadamia farms.

Most of the area was settled in the last quarter of the 19th century, and the first churches followed soon afterwards.  Congregations have been worshipping in their local communities for well over 100 years.

St John's, Biggenden

St John’s, Biggenden, was dedicated in 1901.  It has always played an active role in the community and the Ladies’ Guild still runs the canteen at the local cattle sale yards.  Nearby Mt Walsh is beautifully represented in the windows in the baptistry at St John’s, framed by the local wildlife and flora.

Services: First and third Sundays of the month at 11.00 am

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St Mary's, Brooweena

St Mary’s, Brooweena stands on a hill 4 kms outside the town of Brooweena.  It was dedicated in 1919, after land was given for the church and the adjoining cemetery.  The first burial there was in 1921, and the cemetery is still in use.  The little gazebo beside the church was built in 1995, in memory of the settlers in the district, replacing the soldiers’ memorial which previously stood on the site.  (The memorial was moved into town in 1962, and Anzac services are still held there.)

Services: First Saturday of the month at 9.00 am


Christ Church, Childers

The present Christ Church, Childers is the second church on the site, and was dedicated in 1901.  It is heritage listed, and contains a set of windows designed by William Bustard, depicting the life of Christ from the Annunciation to the Ascension.  The Memorial Hall was completed in 1962.

Every Sunday at 8.30 am


St Mary's, Gin Gin

St Mary’s, Gin Gin was dedicated in 1905, and its altar features some beautiful carving.  Also on the site is the Godfrey Wilson Memorial Hall, named after a prominent member of the community in the last century. 

Services: Every Sunday at 5.00 pm (4.00 pm from May to August)

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Woodgate Community Hall

As there is no church building in Woodgate, the community of St Francis, Woodgate, meets in the Community Hall, which is also used by other denominations which hold services there.  A number of the members of the St Francis congregation are also involved in the Christian Women’s Fellowship, which meets monthly.

Services: Second and fourth Sundays at 11.30 am
